Preston Bowles, CEO of Anavo Growth Partners will be conducting the Round Table topic: How to Become the 3%. Strategies the top 3% of companies use to grow and thrive. Most companies strive to grow and become highly successful, yet less than 3% are able to sustainably grow from a small company to a mid-tier or from a mid-tier to a large company. In this session we will explore strategies you can use in your business that enabled those companies to become the exception. We’ll also review the potholes you should avoid that prevent most other companies from becoming the 3%.
Preston Bowles Bio:
Preston Bowles is CEO of Anavo Growth Partners, a consulting company that creates dramatic growth for companies and their people. In addition to strategic planning, Anavo’s niche is amplifying the value of companies before a sale and integrating companies after an acquisition. Preston has been a speaker and presenter for Hewlett Packard, Miami University, Xavier University, Ohio Northern University, and numerous other national and international organizations.
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